nama sivaya vAzhga nAthan thAL vAzhga...
Hope you would have caught the essence of this post. Yes. This is about the recent project of Isaignani Ilayaraja. I should say, Raja at his best. I have not read Thiruvasagam till now. But it makes me to read the Thiruvasagam script by Maanickavasagar. I played it in the system and started feeling the divinity. As Sujatha said, these are not the musical scripts, that are to be listened by MP3. Compressing the music is like, override the taste and fill the stomach. That's right. I'm missing the realism of songs by not listening in the better music system.
The perfect scenario to listen Thiruvasagam is, wake up with the sun in the early morning. Don't mix your brain and heart with any thoughts, be fresh minded. Cleanse yourself. Insert Thiruvasagam and hit play button. You will start melt and float in the clouds. This is not the piece of work that makes your legs to jump or damages your ear or breaks your head or increases your heart beat or makes you tired or puts you in ecstacy. Sip the heavely feel.
Let's put a red carpet welcome to Raja sir, to produce more musicals like Thiruvasagam.
said... you are enjoying. Quite Good. Narsi is yet to deliver the CD to me. Keep Blogging.
- 11:14 PM
i think there is something wrong with the template. on the comments section of the page, it doesn't display the name of the commentor. check it out.
- 11:15 PM
Lakshman said...
Thanks for the pointer LazyGeek.. I repaired it..
- 1:20 AM