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what is heard

Saturday, June 17, 2006
13 years since, I have met him
Brain is a beautiful organ of God’s architecture. What it puts things in and when it brings it back? This is something wonderful.

We always delight ourselves by going back to our olden and golden memories. But, it needs a kick start by some mean. An old song could get back the memories of theater experiences when you have watched that movie. A path way that you walk after a long time could knock you with the persons you have walked with. Your old clothing’s could bring you the day your parents presented the brand new clothing on the grand occasion. On a hectic meeting schedule, someone mouths a person’s name could bring in the romantic scenes with your girl friend who also has a same name.

Some or the other day, we push ourselves to pull into the back roads. That day will definitely be the happiest day of the month or week.

You made my day, my friend.

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