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what is heard

Sunday, October 01, 2006
He is the man who got criticised more after his lifetime, I believe. Those whomever I met (even thought that is so less) had a opnion which states this man has moved our nation in a wrong path. They can give several justifications for their words, why not, they would be ready to do a research too.

I hope, this man always has a dream as
Martin Luther King, but never pronounced aggressively in any of his speech, for his motives.

As a admirer of Gandhi Ji, 'You still live in the minds of people, in some way. The nation you dreamt for is now stands true. I should say, not only yours. Thousands of souls, who had shed their blood for the country.'

Let the flags of our fathers fly with proud.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well Said laksh, Kuruvi okkara panaipalam ulluntha kathai than ithu....


- 10:42 AM

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