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what is heard

Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Lights off

You will be more green and have yourself signed in saving more energy, if you agree to dim your lights on October 20, 2007 8-9 p.m in Bay area. Strange though, as an asian continent guy. It just makes it important about taking initiative.

Bay area's someone has initiated this
event and called Lights Out San Francisco. You require to dim your unwanted/non-essential lights just-just for 60 minutes and install compact flourascent light bulb. Rest the energy summarised statistics will tell you, how did your 1 hr dim of waste energy has made an impact towards being green. Switch off your bathroom light, even if your roomie takes bath and singing gajuraare loudly.

I am going out of light on October 20 8-9 p.m, if you live in Bay area join your hands with many. Do I need light to just browse inet?

city of Angels (LA) joins too. Somebody's there to http://www.lightsoutchennai.org/? (Better, don't click it, you will get bad gateway)

Go here for press --
The SF Chronicle, LA Times (registration required).

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